Do you wish you spoke up more in workplace situations? When we don't take a stand for ourselves at work, people and organizations are more likely to take advantage of us. As a result, we find ourselves doing things we really don't want to do and can feel overburdened and/or resentful. We can also miss out on salary increases, promotions and other opportunities due to non-assertiveness. In this hands-on webinar, you will hear what why most people aren't assertive. Find out what successful assertiveness is and how to discern when assertiveness is called for. You will learn what to say in challenging on-the-job circumstances and how a coaching approach can increase the chances of getting what you want. Assertiveness is a key, essential skill and is a component of your self-esteem and self-confidence. When you're not assertive on the job, you can be taken advantage of in many different ways from having extra work dumped on you to not getting salary increases and j...