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Showing posts from March, 2020

Best Assertiveness Training,Know Employee Rights

Do you wish you spoke up more in workplace situations? When we don't take a stand for ourselves at work, people and organizations are more likely to take advantage of us. As a result, we find ourselves doing things we really don't want to do and can feel overburdened and/or resentful. We can also miss out on salary increases, promotions and other opportunities due to non-assertiveness. In this hands-on webinar, you will hear what why most people aren't assertive. Find out what successful assertiveness is and how to discern when assertiveness is called for. You will learn what to say in challenging on-the-job circumstances and how a coaching approach can increase the chances of getting what you want. Assertiveness is a key, essential skill and is a component of your self-esteem and self-confidence. When you're not assertive on the job, you can be taken advantage of in many different ways from having extra work dumped on you to not getting salary increases and j...

Boost up Your Employee Engagement, Team Work Courses

What is Employee Engagement? Employee engagement is an emotional state and a behavioral reaction to an employee's relationship with his/her manager and perception of the organization. Engagement involves an employee's degree of focus, motivation and passion for his/her job. Why is Employee Engagement Important? Engaged employees are motivated toward the organization's success, take pride in their work, suggest improvements, pursue self-development, boost organizational performance, expend discretionary effort, say good things about their organization and plan to stay. What is the Business Case? Most organizations have significant opportunity for improvement. Across the U.S. only 31% of employees are engaged. There have been over 100 research studies proving the improvements in organizational performance resulting from engaged employees. Organizations have a huge opportunity to benefit from a more engaged workforce because only approximately 30% of employees are en...

Training On Excel Automation Boot Camp, Excel Macros Course

Excel functions can greatly enhance your ability to perform tasks in day to day activities in Excel. While there are hundreds of functions available, there are 10 functions that all Excel users should know. Whether you are an office worker, or a small business owner using Excel to keep track of your finances or just the casual user, these Excel functions can be very important time savers and enhance your ability to create better performing spreadsheets! Learning about the lookup functions in Excel will allow you to match data between databases. VLOOKUP enables you to quickly and easily look for a value down a column of data and return a value from the same row in a different column. Perfect for when working with large tabular data. INDEX and MATCH work in a similar way but provide more flexibility. As an intermediate to advanced level user of Excel, not only do you want to take your knowledge and skills to the next level, you want to produce meaningful, impactful and insightful r...

Courses For Project Management for Non-Project Managers

Project management is the art and science of getting results by following a roadmap laid down to turn customers desires into concrete products and services by following established procedures in a defined sequence. The Project Management Institute brought active practitioners together to produce the Project Management Body of Knowledge, PMBOK, which is used around the world on all sorts of projects of varying sizes, with or without software support tools. PMBOK definition: A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product or service. It is temporary because every project has a definite beginning and a definite end. It is Unique because the product or service delivered is different from others. Organizations use projects to achieve their strategic needs, which cannot be attained through normal operational means. Dr. Joseph Juran, a founder of the quality movement, provides another definition: A project is a problem scheduled for solution. The key to a suc...

Courses Of Investment Performance Risk,Management Training

All investors and money managers know that investing has risks. A primary aspect of investing is managing investment performance risk and doing so in the context of one's risk/return objectives. Firstly, the presentation defines investment risk in general terms. Investment performance risk is a multifaceted subject and it must be understood with respect to the causes of investment risk, the degree of risk present in a portfolio or single investment, the correlation of risk undertaken relative to  an investor’s risk/return objectives and the consequences of inappropriate or misunderstood levels of investment risk when an investment manager is engaged or one is managing their own investments. Next, the presentation examines investment performance risk from both the perspective of the investor and from the perspective of the money manager. An investor managing one's own investments must understand the various risk generating aspects of one’s portfolio and individual inve...

Mindfulness for Worker Courses , Career Growth Training

Everyone knows that mindfulness can help supercharge your brain at work, and most people have heard of the Pomodoro method and other forms of time blocking. This webinar brings these two techniques together to help you get more done with less stress so you can finish work each day confident in what you've accomplished. The basic principle underlying this webinar is that the mind, like our physical muscles, works hard but then needs time to rest.  In this distracted, multitasking culture we often try to do several things at a time, skip breaks, and power through long days (and often nights) behind a computer. This webinar gives you the tools you need to break out of all those habits and start monotasking, leaving space in your day for your brain to recharge, and putting work down at the end of a productive day. Let's talk about multitasking first. Lots of people believe they're more productive when they multitask, so they're often on a video call but checking email...

Risks You Should Know in Banking,Moral Hazard Courses

In an effort to bring clarity to areas that are not often discussed as "risks" we will explore Moral Hazard and Conduct risk. There are regulatory opinions on these topics, and as we all know, there are many examples of weaknesses in these areas. This webinar will explore what an organization can do to strengthen controls in this area.  While not eliminating all morality issues, as that cannot happen, we will discuss steps that can mitigate egregious errors and limit potential losses. That way, when management states that "we only hire good people" and want to use that as a control, they may actually be able to do just that. New product development may be a driving force for market share for your institution. It is great to be innovative and cutting edge. However, with rapid growth and constant change or introduction of new products to the market place we may forget about the risks associated with that activity.  This webinar highlights what those risks are,...

Emotional Intelligence Courses , Great Leadership Training

Overview It's hard to ignore today's conversation around emotional intelligence. Studies show it is far more important to leadership success than having a high IQ. The term "emotional intelligence" implies the answer lies in the frontal lobe of the brain. It implies we can think our way through all our problems. Let me ask you this: when two people are yelling at each other in the hallway, or meeting room, or customer counter, is the any "intelligence" going on? Of course not. In this fast-moving training, attorney, author and speaker, Don Phin, will introduce us the idea of "emotional energy." He will help us understand the importance of the roles we play and the powerful  40| |40 Solution to "feeling" what is going on. Don will remind us great leadership is an inside/out game! This is a unique and insightful training because it's not just about them it's about you! Here's a sobering thought: Half of all manag...

Courses To Dealing And Managing Toxic People, HR Training

"When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time" Maya Angelou Toxicity in the workplace acts like an infectious disease - it spreads and infiltrates teams and relationships, Without the understanding, skills and tools applied intentionally, toxicity will continue to spread eventually impairing the organization and burning out the leaders and staff. In some organizations, toxicity has a seemingly intractable hold on the culture - its rampant. In other organizations it is more covert, but no less debilitating to the organization and the people. People who would not normally exhibit toxic behaviour begin reacting to the toxicity of others in ways that are negative and harmful to productivity and relationships. This is the beginning of a downward spiral. Toxicity feeding off toxicity. Good people will leave the team and organization. Toxic behaviours won't go away if they are ignored. They will fester. Specific and intentional action is the only ...

Courses On Critical Thinking, Resolving Problem - webinar

Many books have been written about creative problem solving. There is no easy way, no shortcut to becoming a first-rate problem solver. Develop solutions through an analytical approach Learn how to be able to identify relevant information that you can use to make decisions What makes a valid conclusion Use many perspectives to reach a conclusion This webinar gives you the tools to be able to identify your decision making style, andlearn to make better decisions through questioning, challenging assumptions, and seeing other’s viewpoints This problem-solving and decision making training gives you some tips and techniques for develop skills as a critical thinker and problem solver and recognize and leverage your thinking preferences, as well as those on your team, to find different solutions to everyday problems. Speaker Profile Audrey Halpern   is a soft skills training facilitator consultant with 20+ years of experience. Audrey’s is currently a facul...