In an effort to bring clarity to areas that are not often discussed as "risks" we will explore Moral Hazard and Conduct risk. There are regulatory opinions on these topics, and as we all know, there are many examples of weaknesses in these areas. This webinar will explore what an organization can do to strengthen controls in this area.
While not eliminating all morality issues, as that cannot happen, we will discuss steps that can mitigate egregious errors and limit potential losses. That way, when management states that "we only hire good people" and want to use that as a control, they may actually be able to do just that.
New product development may be a driving force for market share for your institution. It is great to be innovative and cutting edge. However, with rapid growth and constant change or introduction of new products to the market place we may forget about the risks associated with that activity.
This webinar highlights what those risks are, how we may be able to mitigate them and how to communicate to the Board of Directors that our processes properly consider the risk and reward associated with product development.
This webinar touches upon 3 risk areas that tend to remain hidden from management. Conduct risk has seen a revival of concern because of several high profile failure of moral character in the financials services industry, where conduct is highly scrutinized. So while appropriate to Financial Services, this webinar applies to all business that are concerned of about setting the right example for employees with regard to conduct and behavior.
Along with conduct risk is the attention given to moral hazard. While hard to define, there are practices that can easily be discovered and rectified so as to protect a company's reputation and ensure a clients well being.
Finally, a simple but often overlooked risk, New Product Development, is one that can contribute to significant operational losses, customer ill will and bring on criticism from regulators. If you are heavy into new product development as a means to gain market share or simply don’t develop new products very often but are about to embark on several new products then this webinar is for you.
Speaker Profile
Daniel A Clark has over 30 years experience in the financial industry. 19 of that in Risk Management and Internal Audit where he established risk based internal audit processes. He is an active speaker and contributor to industry conferences, publications and think tanks. His book, Dare to Be Different, An Auditors Personal guide to Excellence has been well received in the industry.
Dan has been a CAE for international banks, regional banks and was Director of Operations for Internal Audit at GE Capital. He now is providing Audit and Risk Advisory Services to various sectors of the market place.
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